What will our post-election vaping road map look like

Our current New Zealand government, as it stands, are pretty progressive in regards to vaping, by having shown an interest in assuring a fair regulatory approach that best accommodates future vaping legislation in NZ, and there’s even a minority of cohorts from tobacco control that acknowledge vaping’s beneficence… but we are also consciously mindful that […]

Reflections on GFN 17

GFN17 was an experience I am so glad to have taken part in.   The concept of Harm Reduction: Saving Lives is what AVCA is all about – one person at a time.   This year, I found the “vibe” to be much more inclusive and collaborative between all the attendees without the usual “battle lines” drawn […]

Think Globally, Act Locally

It has been a rather interesting winter here in the Antipodes…to say the least!   Australian TC and their groupies have tried and, thus far, succeeded in preventing not only the legalisation of nicotine containing e liquid, but have also managed to make it clear that they wish not to entertain the thought through open discourse, […]


We finally have a new government, including our new Minister of Health (David Clark) and two new associate Ministers of Health (Julie Ann Genter & Jenny Salesa).   We are pleased to see the choices include those whom have a track record of concern and empathy for the well being of all New Zealanders. It now […]

Vapers Helping Vapers

AVCA is truly a grassroots organization and our success depends completely on community involvement and support.  If you currently use smokeless alternatives to combustible tobacco, our goal is to ensure that these reduced harm alternatives become and remain available, affordable and effective. Funding is utilised solely for the running of the charity, there are no […]

Think Globally, Act Locally – Part Two

In other news, following along with our “Think Globally, Act Locally”  theme: The Foundation for a Smoke Free World.  Website: https://www.smoke-freeworld.org. There have been many announcements across the globe on how PMI is helping to establish the foundation with a $1bn dollar endowment. Questions have already been received from vapers,  in keeping with the theme […]

Back in the Saddle

In case you haven’t noticed,  I have not been active for the past two months on social media and I have to give credit to Steve and Jan for taking up the slack whilst I have been recovering from surgery.  Alas, my 8 weeks are up and it’s time to get back in the saddle, […]

From Doorways to Alleyways

Cowering inside a partially constructed lean-to or huddled under leak ridden over-hangs, you’ll find the common sight against the urban landscape of Invercargill – a smoker enjoying their nicotine fix… congregating timorously next to them will be a new product of PC gone demented, The Vapers. Yes vapers too, are now ostracised also to the […]

AVCA response to ARFNZ

Link to original press release from ARFNZ is here.  “There is no evidence for a public health claim for an unregulated approach to e-cigarettes and personal vaporizers. ARFNZ recommends that if there is support for e-cigarette use in New Zealand as a smoking cessation device, then these products should be classified as therapeutic devices and […]

The Journey to Harm Reduction

“There is no one giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps on the journey…” The transition from smoking to vaping is a journey. Some people pick up their first vape and immediately, or soon after, stop smoking completely.  Many others take months, or even years, to make the transition. This is […]